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  • Privacy Notice Policy
  • Mind Transition’s Privacy Notice for Candidates

    1. What is the purpose of this document?

    Mind Transition (« We ») take the management of the personal data of each candidate (« You ») seriously and endeavour to treat them with the utmost care. The purpose of this Privacy Policy (“Policy”) is to clearly lay out our Privacy Notice for candidates’ data as we are a ‘controller’ in relation to these data, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms (« Loi informatique et libertés ») and European Regulation 2016/79 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (« RGPD »).

    2. Who are we?

    Mind Transition is a direct approach interim management firm. We provide our clients with recruitment and search services for permanent and interim management positions. We also provide recruitment consultancy services.

    3. What personal data do we collect?

    In the course of our business, we may collect personal data from candidates or profiles that may be of interest to us in connection with future job vacancies.

    In order to fulfil these purposes, you will only be asked for personal information that is strictly necessary to assess your professional skills. To this end, in addition to your identity data (surname, first name, title), your contact details (postal address, email address, personal telephone number), we will ask you for data relating to the qualifications you have obtained, your professional experience, and your professional skills and aptitudes in relation to the proposed assignment.

    Failure to provide this information will make it impossible for you to take part in the recruitment process.

    Once the information has been collected, we process your personal data in order to establish the relevance of your profile.

    4. Who is responsible for collecting personal data?

    The company responsible for processing personal data is Mind Transition, a limited liability company with a share capital of 20,000 euros, having its registered office at 2, rue Balny d’Avricourt 75017 Paris, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 891 735 110.

    If data is collected at the express request of our customers, they are also responsible for processing.

    5. What are the sources of personal data collection?

    We may collect your personal data:

    • on partner job boards,
    • through social networks and other sources of public information,
    • during interviews with you,
    • in unsolicited contacts,
    • by recommendation.

    In all cases, we contact you to identify and qualify your profile.

    6. What are the purposes and legal bases for processing your collected data?

    The processing that we carry out has the following purposes and legal bases:

    PurposesLegal basis
    Search for relevant profiles: we collect your personal data in order to qualify profiles for potential assignments. Once processed, the personal data of profiles that are selected is transferred to the client so that the client can determine the relevance of the profile for the assignment.Legitimate interest
    Contact with a profile that has spontaneously sent its CV.Pre-contractual measures (execution of the contract)
    Get in touch with a profile, to exchange information on the state of the transition market and/or offer you professional opportunities matching your profile.Legitimate interest
    Creation of a CV library based on unsolicited profiles.Consent
    Creation of a CV library based on the identification of relevant profiles.Legitimate interest, then consent when sending the CV

    7. How long do we keep your personal data?

    Your data will be kept for a period not exceeding two years after the last contact from you.

    In any event, your personal data will be stored in an intermediate archive for evidential purposes for a maximum of five years after the recruitment process has been completed.

    8. Who has access to your personal data during collection, processing, use and transfer?

    Mind Transition is involved in the collection, processing and use of data. Other parties will have access to your personal data:

    • our clients, who request an assignment from us, will have access, with your consent, to your personal data to determine the extent to which your profile matches the post being filled;
    • our data storage suppliers who manage our personal databases. Our main business tool, in Saas mode, is AD-MEN, marketed by AD-RH, which acts as a subcontractor for Mind Transition. AD-MEN’s servers are located in France;
    • our affiliate partners who are involved in interim management or recruitment on behalf of clients and who work to the same requirements and for the same recruitment purpose as we do.

    Under no circumstances do we market your personal data or transfer your personal data to a client without your consent.

    9. What are your rights over your personal data?

    In accordance with the European regulations in force, you have the following rights:

    • Right of access: You have the right to access and request a copy of your personal data from Mind Transition.
    • Right of rectification: You can ask Mind Transition to rectify your personal data if you think it is incorrect. You may also ask Mind Transition to complete your Personal Data if you believe it is incomplete.
    • Right to erasure: You can ask Mind Transition to delete your Personal Data.
    • Right to limit processing: You can ask Mind Transition to stop or limit processing.
    • Right to object: Under certain conditions, you can ask Mind Transition to stop processing your personal data.
    • Right to data portability: You can request Mind Transition to transfer your personal data, collected by Mind Transition, to a third party of your choice or directly to you.
    • Right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL to make a complaint about the processing of your personal data by Mind Transition.

    Please note that the exercise of these rights may be legally subject to certain exceptions or conditions.

    If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact us (see the « How to contact us » section below). In this case, Mind Transition has one (1) month to respond. In the case of a complex request or several requests, Mind Transition may ask you to prove your identity and may take up to three (3) months to reply.

    10. How to contact us?

    If you have any questions or wish to exercise your rights listed above, you can contact us at any time:

    • by sending an email to: dpo@mindtransition.fr
    • by mail to the following address Mind Transition – 2, rue Balny d’Avricourt 75017 Paris.

    11. Security

    To ensure the security and confidentiality of Candidates’ personal data, Mind Transition uses networks protected by standard features such as firewalls, pseudonymisation, encryption and passwords.

    When processing personal data, Mind Transition takes all necessary measures to protect them against loss, misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration or destruction.

    12. Update

    Mind Transition reserves the right to update its Policy for the management and protection of personal data, in particular in the event of changes in the legislative framework. We advise you to consult this document, which is available on our website, regularly, so that you are promptly informed of any changes in the way we process your personal data.