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  • #Interimmanagement: a relevant solution for the employment of seniors
  • Publié le 14 avril 2023
    Interim Management News

    #Interimmanagement: a relevant solution for the employment of seniors

    The latest figures from #DARES indicate that 56% of people aged 55-64 are unemployed.

    « Seniors », remember, are managers and executives with vast expertise and ready to hit the ground running, making them valuable resources.

    An increasing number of these « seniors » are turning to Interim Management, which guarantees you can benefit from the expertise of an experienced executive within a short timeframe. To reinforce this, data from the #Francetransition barometer of 25/07/2022 indicates that 53% of Interim Managers are between 50-59 years old and 19% over 60.

    The #MindTransition teams in Paris and London are ready to help you identify the best solution to meet your challenges.

    Mind Partners France Mind Partners UK

    #transformation #transitionmanagement#interimmanagement #recruitement

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