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  • Feedback from an Interim manager : Anne Gleizes
  • Publié le 22 mai 2024
    News Mind Partners

    Feedback from an Interim manager : Anne Gleizes

    Anne Gleizes knows Mind Transition well: she has carried out 2 missions with the firm. A specialist in brand transformation and turnaround for 30 years, Anne talks here about her latest assignment: a brand launch.

    What was the context of your assignment?

    I was involved in the creation of an American fast food brand in France, Popeyes, as Marketing Director. It was a huge challenge in the French market, which hadn’t seen a similar launch for 10 years!

    Why work as an Interim Manager?

    The initial task of devising a communications plan and a marketing organisation tailored to the issues at stake was transformed into a global marketing challenge involving the launch and roll-out of a new brand.
    An Interim Manager is particularly well-suited to this type of rapidly evolving project: given a blank sheet of paper, he or she has the ability to create a collective roadmap, the experience and hindsight needed to make the right decisions and the capacity to implement them within an appropriate organisation.
    For the company, this is a guarantee of efficiency and risk control.

    Why choose Mind Transition?

    The contact with Mind Transition is really personalised, the administrative aspects are always impeccable: the firm clearly favours quality and the long term.
    I can testify as a candidate, but I know this feeling is shared by our clients: beyond the quite remarkable human approach, the team strives to understand in depth the needs of the company and the characteristics of the candidates to create a real encounter.

    An anecdote?

    I joined for a 4-month assignment, and stayed on for 2 years to define the areas of deployment after the launch of the brand.
    It was a fabulous adventure, both professionally and personally. At this stage of my career, I never thought I’d have the chance to work in start-up mode.

    How would you sum up the experience?

    Professionalism, confidence, pleasure: when can I expect a new assignment?! 😉

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